
Showing posts from April, 2023

Alan Knight Training Centre

  In St Mary’s Church, Yupukari light is beginning to emerge from behind Guyana’s Pakaraima mountains seen in Anne Twisleton’s picture. The Angelus rings at the Alan Knight Training Centre and the office begins taking us up into its eternal rhythm, fitting the new day into psalm and scripture and praise. Mattins is followed by mass, when the students and their wives are joined by the villagers, so there are usually 30 or so of us each morning. Priest and servers go to the altar and the Holy Sacrifice is offered. Everyone gathers around the altar to feed on the bread of life, the bread which will strengthen and nourish and inspire the life of the day. There are plenty of boys keen to serve, so two assist each day - wearing knee-length green scapulars over their shirts and shorts. After Mass the school bell rings and the compound is full of cheerful children, just like a school playground anywhere. On Mondays the school day begins with flag raising and everyone singing the National A...